Welcome my friend. If you are here for the first time, you should go to the right side of the page, half way down, and find the Frequently Asked Questions link under "Blog Archive".
This was a busy week for TROOTF. Fez DK surprised us all by constructing his own fez, which he has approval to wear until the official fez arrives. Because we have no official rules, though, he may continue to wear either fez at his discretion.

Our numbers, my friends, are swelling. Let me reiterate this important fact: we have no affiliations, nor do we claim to have any philosophical adherences. Individual members have their own belief systems. We are united only by the fez. We have no causes other than confusion.

As a member, you have the right, or rather, the duty, to tap others for membership at your discretion. If a friend shows interest, tap that friend and invite him or her to join.
This week's spring verse is from Wordsworth:
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind...
This week we celebrate spring and encourage all TROOTF members to do the same by participating in at least one of the following acts while wearing your fez: step foot in a body of natural water, throw a baseball, sip tea at any coffee shop (preferably with a madeleine), or take a moonlit walk.
Remember, send your pictures. I will set up a Flikr photo account; please let me know if you need access. You should also be leaving comments on the blog, which will require that you set up a free account. We will see you next Thursday.