17 February 2011

Happy Fez Day!

Don't let the smiling faces fool you, friend. A dangerous group met today. Whenever four fez find themselves in one place on a Thursday, mischief and chaos follow. Tip of the fez to Fez Bob, who is back from his undercover reconnaissance trip to Key West. 

10 February 2011

Fez Day

It's a windy Fez Day on the Central Coast, but a flying tassel never hurt anyone! Beware the hypnotic powers that come with the fez, my friends. Beware!

03 February 2011

If you haven't already seen it, check out An Idiot Abroad. Originally aired in Britain, this Ricky Gervais produced travelogue sends a clueless schmuck around the world. As they say, hilarity ensues. It's airing now on the Science Channel. He does often rock a fez, though, so there is hope for him.